Department of Computer Science | Institute of Theoretical Computer Science | CADMO

Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms

Prof. Emo Welzl and Prof. Bernd Gärtner

Upper Rhine Algorithms Workshop 2002
Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms Institute for Theoretical Computer Science Department of Computer Science ETH Zurich
Upper Rhine Algorithms Workshop
October 18/19, 2002, Zurich, Switzerland. URAW-LOGO


This year's Upper Rhine Algorithms Workshop (URAW) will take place on October 18/19, 2002, at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. It is intended to bring together researchers in the field of algorithms in the (wider) Upper-Rhine-Region. We invite all participants to give a presentation (approx. 20-30 minutes). Due to its informal nature, this workshop should be particularly - but not exclusively - attractive for students to present their work.


The workshop will take place at the Department of Computer Science in Room RZ F21. There are two overhead projectors and an LCD projector for laptop-based presentations available.
Please have a look at our visitor information pages.
The RZ and the IFW building are interconnected by a passageway on level E. After you entered the IFW building, take the elevator to E-floor, proceed through the passageway, and on the other side take the stairs one level up.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you are in time on Saturday morning, since the building is officially closed and you might not get in, otherwise.

A good online map of Switzerland can be found here.


Go to the workshop program.


There will be a registration fee of around SFr 130.- (~EUR 90,-) to be paid in cash (SFr or EUR) upon registration. The fee covers coffee breaks, lunch on Friday, and the excursion/conference dinner.


Our plan for Friday evening is to have an excursion to Halbinsel Au, nicely situated at Lake Zurich.
The conference dinner will take place there at Landgasthof Au.


Below is a list of addresses to consider; note that prices are estimates only. You may also want to check our department's accomodation page.

  • Martahaus, Zaehringerstr. 36, 8001 Zurich, Tel. +41 1 251 45 50, Fax +41 1 251 45 40. (Sfr 70,-/100,-/120,- for single/double/triple room)
  • Youth hostel, Mutschellenstr. 144, 8038 Zurich-Wollishofen, Tel. +41 1 482 35 44, Fax +41 1 480 17 27. (Sfr 32,-/65,- for 6-bed/single room per night, + Sfr 5,- if you are not a member of IYHF, online-booking, not very central, but on the way to the possible excursion place).
  • City Backpacker, Niederdorfstr. 5, 8001 Zurich, Tel. +41 1 251 90 15, Fax. +41 1 251 90 24. (Sfr 66,-/88,-/29,- for single/double/dormitory)
The following are for students only.
  • Justinus-Heim, Freudenbergstr. 146, 8044 Zurich, Tel. +41 1 361 38 06, Fax. +41 1 362 29 82. (Sfr 40,- to 65,- for single room)
  • Reformiertes Studentenhaus, Roetelstr. 100, 8057 Zurich, Tel. +41 1 361 23 13. (Sfr 45,-/60,- for single/double room)
  • (formally, women only, there might be exceptions): Lydiaheim, Leonhardstr. 13, 8001 Zurich, Tel./Fax +41 1 252 41 27. (Sfr 70,-/110,- for single/double room, very close to the conference site)
Additionally, there is also a limited number of floor and couch-spaces available provided by members of our group. Whoever is interested in this type of low-cost & low-comfort accomodation should contact Bettina Speckmann (


Joachim Giesen
Franziska Hefti
Michael Hoffmann
Bettina Speckmann
Emo Welzl (Chair)

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the organizers via


URAW 2001, December 7/8, in Mulhouse, France.
URAW 2000, February 25/26, in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.
URAW 1999, January 15/16, in Bern, Switzerland.
URAW 1997, November 14/15, in Konstanz, Germany.
URAW 1996, October 25/26, in Zurich, Switzerland.
URAW 1991, March 21/22, in Bern, Switzerland.
URAW 1990, in Siegen, Germany.
URAW 1989, in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.
URAW 1988, in Würzburg, Germany.
URAW 1985, in Karlsruhe, Germany.
URAW 1984, in Bern, Switzerland.
URAW 1983, in Zurich, Switzerland.

Additions and corrections are highly appreciated.

Last Modified: October, 12th, 2002, by Michael Hoffmann. Valid HTML 4.01!