Department of Computer Science | Institute of Theoretical Computer Science | CADMO
Prof. Emo Welzl and Prof. Bernd Gärtner
SCOPE:This year's Upper Rhine Algorithms Workshop (URAW) will take place on October 18/19, 2002, at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. It is intended to bring together researchers in the field of algorithms in the (wider) Upper-Rhine-Region. We invite all participants to give a presentation (approx. 20-30 minutes). Due to its informal nature, this workshop should be particularly - but not exclusively - attractive for students to present their work.LOCATION:The workshop will take place at the Department of Computer Science in Room RZ F21. There are two overhead projectors and an LCD projector for laptop-based presentations available.Please have a look at our visitor information pages. The RZ and the IFW building are interconnected by a passageway on level E. After you entered the IFW building, take the elevator to E-floor, proceed through the passageway, and on the other side take the stairs one level up. IMPORTANT: Make sure that you are in time on Saturday morning, since the building is officially closed and you might not get in, otherwise. A good online map of Switzerland can be found here.
PROGRAM:Go to the workshop program.REGISTRATION:There will be a registration fee of around SFr 130.- (~EUR 90,-) to be paid in cash (SFr or EUR) upon registration. The fee covers coffee breaks, lunch on Friday, and the excursion/conference dinner.CONFERENCE DINNER:Our plan for Friday evening is to have an excursion to Halbinsel Au, nicely situated at Lake Zurich.The conference dinner will take place there at Landgasthof Au. ACCOMODATION:Below is a list of addresses to consider; note that prices are estimates only. You may also want to check our department's accomodation page.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact the organizers via PREVIOUS WORKSHOPS:
Additions and corrections are highly appreciated.
Last Modified: October, 12th, 2002, by Michael Hoffmann. |