// Prog: loaded_dice.h
// define a class for rolling a loaded dice.
namespace ifm {
// class loaded_dice: definition
class loaded_dice {
// PRE: p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 <= 1
// POST: *this is initialized to choose the number
// i in {1,...,6} with probability pi, according
// to the provided random number generator; here,
// p6 = 1 - p1 - p2 - p3 - p4 - p5
loaded_dice (double p1, double p2, double p3, double p4,
double p5, ifm::random& generator);
// POST: return value is the outcome of rolling a loaded
// dice, according to the probability distribution
// induced by p1,...,p6
unsigned int operator()();
// p_upto_i is p1 + ... + pi
const double p_upto_1;
const double p_upto_2;
const double p_upto_3;
const double p_upto_4;
const double p_upto_5;
// the generator (we store an alias in order to allow
// several instances to share the same generator)
ifm::random& g;
} // end namespace ifm