Department of Computer Science | Institute of Theoretical Computer Science | CADMO

Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms

Prof. Emo Welzl and Prof. Bernd Gärtner

Projects in Topological Data Analysis Fall 2023

Erin Chambers, Saint Louis University,
Tao Hou, DePaul University thou1 "at"
Tim Ophelders, TU Eindhoven,
Patrick Schnider, ETH Zürich,

General Information

The main idea of the course is that students from different universities collaborate on projects in topological data analysis. These projects can be of theoretical nature, e.g., the development or analysis of some algorithm or applied, e.g., using topological data analysis on concrete data sets.

The course will start with three lectures introducing some topics that are relevant to the proposed projects. Then, there is an official kick-off meeting, in which the problems will be introduced. The assignment of the groups will be made in the days after the kick-off meeting, so that the groups can start working on their projects as soon as possible. For the main part of the course, the groups work on their project individually, guided by the two mentors they are assigned. Once during the course, each group will also present their progress to the other mentors, collecting some more feedback from different people. And the end of the course, each group hands in a written report where they summarize their work and present their findings.


All meetings will be held via zoom at 16:15 (Zürich/Eindhoven) and 9:15am (St. Louis/Chicago), respectively and should take at most 90 minutes.


The proposed projects can be found in this booklet. The booklet also contains information about the final reports and presentations.



Paper databases

Software packages

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