Department of Computer Science | Institute of Theoretical Computer Science | CADMO
Prof. Emo Welzl and Prof. Bernd Gärtner
presented by Emo Welzl
Given a unique sink orientation
and a vertex v, the reachmap
r(v) of v is the set of all edge-labels such that for every there is a directed path starting in v and containing an edge of label
i. More formally,
Call a unique sink orientation i-nice, if for every vertex v there is a vertex w with distance at most i from v and . Since there is always a path from a vertex v to the sink of the cube, the sink is in the subcube generated by v and the directions in r(v). Therefore RANDOM EDGE on an i-nice unique sink orientation will take an expected number of at most di steps.
Clearly every unique sink orientation of dimension d is d-nice. Can we do better? In particular what is the general niceness of acyclic unique sink orientations?
In dimension three every acyclic unique sink orientation is 1-nice except the orientation one gets by reorienting the cyclic unique sink orientation, which is 2-nice.