Department of Computer Science | Institute of Theoretical Computer Science | CADMO

Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms

Prof. Emo Welzl and Prof. Bernd Gärtner

Extremal Combinatorics SS 04
Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms Institute of Theoretical Computer Science Department of Computer Science ETH Zurich

Extremal Combinatorics (251-0494-00) SS 04

Time & Place


Tibor Szabó
IFW B48.1/ Tel: (01) 632-0858. e-mail:

Abstract of the seminar

The seminar, intended both for mathematics and computer science students, will cover different topics from extremal combinatorics with an emphasis on applications to theoretical computer science. A significant portion of the material will be selected from the book Extremal Combinatorics with applications in Computer Science by Stasys Jukna.

Extremal Combinatorics


In order to receive a grade or testat students must present a lecture.




Seminars Topic Lecturer Transparencies

March 29 Oraganization
Discussion of topics

Apr 5 The roots of the stable set polynomial of a claw-free graph
by Maria Chudnovsky and Paul Seymour
Yoshio Okamoto

Apr 12 Ostern
No seminar

Apr 19 Sächsilüüte
No seminar

Apr 26 Pigeonhole Principle and Resolution Melanie Raemy [.PDF ] [.PS ]

May 3 Ramseyan theorems for numbers Kristina Zelenay [.PDF ] [.ppt ]

May 10 The Hales-Jewett Theorem Andreas Razen [.PDF ] [.ps ]

May 17 Sunflowers Marion Wenger

May 24 Intersecting families Philipp Zumstein [.PDF ] [.ppt ]

May 31 Pfingsten
No seminar

June 7 Chains and antichains Yanic Heer [.PDF ]

June 14 Density and universality Martin Jaggi [.PDF ] [.zip ]

June 21 Basics of the linear algebra method Patrik Hubschmid [.PDF ]

June 28 List chromatic index of bipartite graphs Nicla Bernasconi [.PDF ] [.ppt ]


More advanced text Other (graph theory) texts:


Last modified: Mar 26 2004 by   Tibor Szabó

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