Department of Computer Science | Institute of Theoretical Computer Science | CADMO
Prof. Emo Welzl and Prof. Bernd Gärtner
- Tibor Szabó
- IFW B48.1/ Tel: (01) 632-0858. e-mail:
The seminar, intended both for mathematics and computer science students, will cover different topics from extremal combinatorics with an emphasis on applications to theoretical computer science. A significant portion of the material will be selected from the book Extremal Combinatorics with applications in Computer Science by Stasys Jukna.
In order to receive a grade or testat students must present a lecture.
Seminars Topic Lecturer Transparencies
March 29 Oraganization
Discussion of topics
Apr 5 The roots of the stable set polynomial of a claw-free graph
by Maria Chudnovsky and Paul SeymourYoshio Okamoto
Apr 12 Ostern
No seminar
Apr 19 Sächsilüüte
No seminar
Apr 26 Pigeonhole Principle and Resolution Melanie Raemy [.PDF ] [.PS ]
May 3 Ramseyan theorems for numbers Kristina Zelenay [.PDF ] [.ppt ]
May 10 The Hales-Jewett Theorem Andreas Razen [.PDF ] [.ps ]
May 17 Sunflowers Marion Wenger
May 24 Intersecting families Philipp Zumstein [.PDF ] [.ppt ]
May 31 Pfingsten
No seminar
June 7 Chains and antichains Yanic Heer [.PDF ]
June 14 Density and universality Martin Jaggi [.PDF ] [.zip ]
June 21 Basics of the linear algebra method Patrik Hubschmid [.PDF ]
June 28 List chromatic index of bipartite graphs Nicla Bernasconi [.PDF ] [.ppt ]
Last modified:
Mar 26 2004 by Tibor Szabó