Department of Computer Science | Institute of Theoretical Computer Science | CADMO

Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms

Prof. Emo Welzl and Prof. Bernd Gärtner

Mittagsseminar (in cooperation with J. Lengler, A. Steger, and D. Steurer)

Mittagsseminar Talk Information

Date and Time: Thursday, April 25, 2024, 12:15 pm

Duration: 30 minutes

Location: CAB G51

Speaker: Leon Schiller

Plus Strategies are Exponentially Slower for Planted Optima of Random Height

We compare the (1,λ)-EA and the (1+λ)-EA on the recently introduced benchmark DisOM, which is the OneMax function with randomly planted local optima. Previous work showed that if all local optima have the same relative height, then the plus strategy never loses more than a factor O(nlogn) compared to the comma strategy. Here we show that even small random fluctuations in the heights of the local optima have a devastating effect for the plus strategy and lead to super-polynomial runtimes. On the other hand, due to their ability to escape local optima, comma strategies are unaffected by the height of the local optima and remain efficient. Our results hold for a broad class of possible distortions and show that the plus strategy, but not the comma strategy, is generally deceived by sparse unstructured fluctuations of a smooth landscape.

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