Mittagsseminar (in cooperation with J. Lengler, A. Steger, and D. Steurer)
Talks in 1999
- January 05, Ambros Marzetta (ICSI Berkeley): Computing the k best Euclidean spanning trees [details]
- January 07, Michael Hoffmann: Path Coupling: A technique for proving rapid mixing in Markov chains (Part II) [details]
- January 12, Beat Trachsler: Context Tree Weighting (I): Arithmetic Coding [details]
- January 14, Beat Trachsler: Context Tree Weighting (II): The CTW Method [details]
- January 19, Babak Vahdat: Randomisierte gierige Matchings (I) [details]
- January 21, Babak Vahdat: Randomisierte gierige Matchings (II) [details]
- January 26, Frans Wessendorp: Enumeration abstrakter Zielfunktionsgraphen (I) [details]
- January 28, Frans Wessendorp: Enumeration abstrakter Zielfunktionsgraphen (II) [details]
- February 02, Christoph Ambühl: Karp's Upper Bound on the Expected Cost of an Optimal Assignment [details]
- February 09, Falk Tschirschnitz: The Path of a Triangulation [details]
- February 11, Johannes Blömer: Makes uniqueness life easy? (II) [details]
- February 16, Bernd Gärtner: More on pseudo random number generators [details]
- February 18, Lutz Kettner: A fast point location structure for randomized incremental Delaunay triangulation [details]
- February 23, Michael Hoffmann: Counting with uniform generators [details]
- February 25, Jean-Pierre Seifert: Extending Wieners attack in the presence of many decrypting exponents [details]
- March 25, Bernhard von Stengel: Recursive Inspection Games [details]
- March 30, Bernhard von Stengel: Team-Max-Min Equilibria, or: if it's Bill Gates against the rest of the world - who would you like to be? [details]
- April 06, Bernd Gärtner: Primitives for smallest enclosing balls [details]
- April 08, Michael Hoffmann: The rectangular 3-center problem [details]
- April 13, Johannes Blömer: MDS-Codes für RAIDs [details]
- April 15, Joachim Giesen: Graphs on spheres or how tequila can stabilize [details]
- April 20, Johannes Blömer: MDS-Codes fü RAIDs (II) [details]
- Saturday, April 24, Udo Adamy: Planar Point Location [details]
- April 27, Ulrike Stege: Techniques for building FPT-algorithms on the example of vertex cover [details]
- April 29, Preda Mihailescu: Primheitsbeweise [details]
- May 04, Artur Andrzejak: NP-complete problems in arrangements of hyperplanes and in point configurations [details]
- May 06, Christoph Ambühl: Burrows-Wheeler transformations [details]
- May 11, Meir Katchalski: Common Transversals [details]
- May 18, Jesus de Loera: Two (strange?) phenomena in simplicial decompositions of polytopes [details]
- May 20, Falk Tschirschnitz: Linear Orientations on Polytopal Graphs [details]
- May 25, Jürgen Richter-Gebert: NP-hardness of finding minimal triangulations of boundaries of 4-Polytopes. [details]
- May 27, Jesus de Loera: Counting affine roots of zero-dimensional polynomial systems: why are algebraist suddenly so excited about computational geometry? [details]
- June 01, Pascal Junod: Kryptographisch sichere Zufallszahlen (I) [details]
- June 03, Pascal Junod: Kryptographisch sichere Zufallszahlen (II) [details]
- June 08, Jiří Matoušek: Embedding trees in Euclidean space [details]
- June 10, Bernd Gärtner: Stirling numbers - a close encounter of the first kind [details]
- June 15, Gregory Sutter: Determinantenberechnung ohne Dividieren [details]
- June 17, Martin Spörri: Das Tabellen-Layout Problem [details]
- June 22, Pascal Junod: Kryptographisch sichere Zufallszahlen (III) [details]
- June 24, David Bremner: Inner diagonals of convex polytopes [details]
- July 15, Maurice Rojas (Hong Kong City University): Some Faster Algorithms for Fewnomials [details]
- July 22, Bartosz Przydatek: A Fast Approximation Algorithm for the Subset-Sum Problem [details]
- August 05, Samarjit Chakraborty: Approximation Algorithms for 3-D Common Substructure Identification in Drug and Protein Molecules [details]
- Friday, September 24, Jean-Daniel Boissonat (INRIA Sophia Antipolis): Efficient algorithms for reporting monotone curve segment intersections using restricted predicates [details]
- October 12, Johannes Blömer: Quantenschaltkreise [details]
- October 14, Uli Wagner: Das Banach-Tarski-Paradox [details]
- October 19, Christoph Ambühl: Optimal projective list update algorithms (I) [details]
- October 21, Johannes Blömer: Speedups via quantum computers [details]
- October 26, Christoph Ambühl: Optimal projective list update algorithms (II) [details]
- October 28, Johannes Blömer: Asymptotic speedups via quantum computers [details]
- November 02, Alex May: Factoring p^r*q for large r [details]
- November 04, Alexander Below: Finding minimal triangulations of convex 3-polytopes is NP-hard [details]
- November 09, Matthias John: Power diagrams and regular triangulations - Definition [details]
- November 11, Samuele Pedroni: Enumeration of triangulation paths [details]
- November 16, Vanessa Kääb: Duality of Search Strategies on Planar Graphs [details]
- November 18, Matthias John: Power diagrams and regular triangulations - Computation [details]
- November 23, Samuele Pedroni: Enumeration of triangulation paths (II) [details]
- November 25, Artur Andrzejak: Corner cut polyhedra [details]
- November 30, Bernd Gärtner: Neues über LP-type problems [details]
- December 02, Johannes Blömer: Berechnung nächster Gittervektoren [details]
- December 09, Adrian Dumitrescu: On a lower bound construction [details]
- December 14, Rade Zivaljevic: Equipartitions of point sets and mass distributions by hyperplanes [details]
- December 14, Tibor Szabó: Norm-graphs: variants and applications [details]
- December 16, Tibor Szabó: On a Generalization of the Erdős-Szekeres Theorem [details]
- December 16, Bernhard von Stengel: Correlated equilibria and computational complexity [details]
- December 21, Udo Adamy: The SURE project - Theorie und Demo. [details]
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