Mittagsseminar (in cooperation with J. Lengler, A. Steger, and D. Steurer)
Talks in 2003
- January 09, Yoshio Okamoto: The affine representation theorem for abstract convex geometries [details]
- January 14, Melanie Raemy: PRIMES is in P, Part 1 [details]
- January 16, Melanie Raemy: PRIMES is in P, Part 2 [details]
- January 21, Ron Aharoni (Technion): Independent Systems of Representatives [details]
- January 23, Victor Götsch: Efficient Partition Trees [details]
- January 28, József Beck (Rutgers University/ETH): A geometric problem: How to represent a complicated picture on a small square-lattice? [details]
- February 04, Thomas Tscherrig: The Van den Berg-Kersten Conjecture [details]
- February 06, Marc van Kreveld (Utrecht University): Composable Art and Combinatorics [details]
- Friday, February 07, Jiří Matoušek (Charles University, Prague): Crossing Number and Small Nonplanar Subgraphs [details]
- February 11, Michael Krivelevich (Tel Aviv University): Turan Numbers of Bipartite Graphs and Related Questions [details]
- February 13, Oswin Aichholzer (TU Graz): Playing with Triangulations [details]
- February 25, Joachim Giesen: Support Vector Machines - Hype or Halleluja? [details]
- February 27, Ingo Schurr: All linear programs on cross polytopes in one talk [details]
- March 06, Riko Jacob (LMU München): Amortized Optimal Dynamic Planar Convex Hull by Querying [details]
- March 11, Emo Welzl: 3-Coloring of Graphs by Educated Guesses [details]
- March 13, Michael Hoffmann: Semi-Dynamic Planar Convex Hull [details]
- March 18, Udo Adamy: The Local Ratio Technique [details]
- March 20, Gyula Károlyi (Eötvös University, Budapest): The Erdős-Heilbronn Problem in Abelian Groups [details]
- March 25, David Basin: Automated Complexity Analysis Based on Ordered Resolution [details]
- March 27, Csaba Dávid Tóth (University of California, Santa Barbara): Total latency and selfish behavior in P2P data-sharing [details]
- April 01, Tibor Szabó: Independent transversals in r-partite graphs [details]
- April 03, Arnold Wassmer: The Hom Complex [details]
- April 08, Yoshio Okamoto: A short introduction to the fair cost allocation from combinatorial optimazation problems [details]
- April 10, Kaspar Fischer: Smallest enclosing balls in high dimensions [details]
- April 17, Falk Tschirschnitz: One line and n points in 3D [details]
- April 22, Penny Haxell (University of Waterloo): Strong coloring and related problems [details]
- April 24, Zvi Lotker (Tel Aviv University): Conflict-free coloring of simple geometric regions [details]
- Friday, April 25, Zvi Lotker (Tel Aviv University): Distributed MST for Constant Diameter Graphs [details]
- April 29, Heiner Ackermann: A simple approximation algorithm for the weighted matching problem [details]
- May 06, Grzegorz Rozenberg (Leiden Center for Natural Computing, The Netherlands): Models of Molecular Computing - Formal Models for Gene Assembly [details]
- May 08, Carsten Lange (TU Berlin): Anisotropic Fairing of Point Sets [details]
- May 15, Miloš Stojaković: Games on Random Graphs [details]
- Monday, May 19, Baruch Awerbuch (Johns Hopkins University): Reducing Truth-telling Online Mechanisms to Online Optimization [details]
- May 20, Tommi Lindgren: Linear Programming, the Simplex Algorithm, and Simple Polytopes
(Gil Kalai, Math. Prog. (Ser. B) 79 (1997), 217-234) [details]
- May 22, Matthias John: Contour Trees [details]
- May 27, Péter Csorba: On the n-in-a-row game [details]
- June 03, Uli Wagner: Shape Dimension and Intrinsic Metric from Samples of Manifolds [details]
- June 05, Johannes Schneider: Segmentation Problems [details]
- June 12, Thomas Bietenhader: An easy way to teach interior-point methods (Tamas Terlaky, European Journal of Operational Research 130 (2001) pp. 1-19.) [details]
- Monday, June 16, Jiří Matoušek (Charles University, Prague): A Briefing on Dimension Reduction [details]
- June 17, Hagit Attiya (Technion): Distributed Algorithms that Adapt to Contention [details]
- Wednesday, June 18, Dmitry Kozlov (KTH Stockholm/Universität Bern): Topological obstructions to graph colorings [details]
- June 19, Nina Amenta (University of California, Davis): Incremental constructions con BRIO [details]
- Monday, June 23, Nina Amenta (University of California, Davis): Voronoi Diagrams of Balls [details]
- June 24, Walter Morris (George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia): Regular crosspolytope-subdivisions and LP-orientations of cubes [details]
- July 03, József Solymosi (UC San Diego): Products and Incidences [details]
- July 15, Csaba Dávid Tóth (UC Santa Barbara): Alternating Paths along Orthogonal Segments [details]
- July 17, Subhash Suri (UC Santa Barbara): A Peer Matching Game [details]
- September 02, Dirk Nowotka (Turku University, Finland): Periodicity and Unbordered Words [details]
- September 09, Johannes Fischer (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg): Version Spaces in Constraint-Based Data Mining [details]
- September 16, Heiko Vogler (TU Dresden): A Kleene Theorem for Weighted Tree Automata [details]
- September 23, Vinayak Pandit (IBM India): Local Search Heuristics for k-median, and facility location problems [details]
- October 07, Yoshio Okamoto: Tetris is Hard, even to Approximate [details]
- October 09, Sonoko Moriyama (The University of Tokyo): Analyze the Structure of all Shellings by h-Assignments [details]
- October 14, Michael Krivelevich (Tel Aviv University): List Coloring of Graphs [details]
- October 21, Tibor Szabó: Maker/Breaker games on the complete graph [details]
- October 23, Yoshio Okamoto: Local topology of the free complex of a two-dimensional generalized convex shelling [details]
- October 28, Ingo Schurr: Coloring the Plane and the Axiom of Choice [details]
- October 30, Udo Adamy: On-line Coloring of Intervals with Bandwidths [details]
- November 04, Udo Adamy: Maximum Weight Independent Set of Axis-parallel Rectangles [details]
- November 06, Stefanie Gerke: Random Planar Graphs [details]
- November 11, Kaspar Fischer: Khachiyan's method to approximate the smallest enclosing ellispoid [details]
- November 13, Ingo Schurr: Linear Programming via Unique Sinks - The Business Class [details]
- November 18, Werner Unterhofer: Effiziente Berechnung von gewichtsminimalen perfekten Matchings in bipartiten Graphen [details]
- November 20, Markus Bläser: The Multicast Cost-Sharing Problem [details]
- November 25, Michael Hoffmann: Pointed Encompassing Trees [details]
- November 27, Nico Kruithof (Uni Groningen): Approximation by Skin Surfaces [details]
- December 02, Patrick Jenny (ETH Zürich): Joint Probability Density Function Modeling for Turbulent Flow [details]
- December 04, Eva Schuberth (Universität Passau): Formale Spezifikation von Software-Architektur [details]
- December 09, Simone Croci: Approximate Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization [details]
- December 16, Péter Csorba: Coloring Graphs and Stiefel Manifolds? [details]
- December 18, Alex Souza-Oftermatt: Job Scheduling [details]
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