Mittagsseminar (in cooperation with J. Lengler, A. Steger, and D. Steurer)
Talks in 2021
- March 02, in Zoom: conference room, Istvan Tomon: Ramsey properties of string graphs [details]
- March 04, in Zoom: conference room, Tim Taubner: Target-oriented Graph Drawings [details]
- March 09, in Zoom: conference room, Christoph Grunau: A gap in the Randomized Local Computation Complexity Landscape [details]
- March 11, in Zoom: conference room, Maxime Larcher: A More Efficient Algorithm for the Multi-Armed Bandit Problem with Non-Stationary Reward Distribution [details]
- March 16, in Zoom: conference room, Stefan Glock: Long induced paths in sparse random graphs [details]
- March 18, in Zoom: conference room, Meghana M. Reddy: Simple Drawings and Straight Line Drawings of k-planar Graphs [details]
- March 23, in Zoom: conference room, Vaclav Rozhon: Distributed Algorithms, Finitary Factors, and Descriptive Combinatorics [details]
- March 25, in Zoom: conference room, Yi-Jun Chang: Tight Distributed Listing of Cliques [details]
- March 30, in Zoom: conference room, Matija Bucic: Large cliques and independent sets all over the place [details]
- April 01, in Zoom: conference room, Julian Portmann: Distributed Shortest Paths [details]
- April 08, in Zoom: conference room, David Munha Canas Correia: Tight bounds for powers of Hamilton cycles in tournaments [details]
- April 13, in Zoom: conference room, Bernd Gärtner: A New Combinatorial Property of Geometric Unique Sink Orientations [details]
- April 15, in Zoom: conference room, Daniel Bertschinger: A short survey on depth measures [details]
- April 20, in Zoom: conference room, Peter Zeman (Charles University): Jordan-like characterization of automorphism groups of planar graphs [details]
- April 22, in Zoom: conference room, Hung Hoang: A Subexponential Algorithm for ARRIVAL [details]
- April 27, in Zoom: conference room, Michael Krivelevich (Tel Aviv University): Linearly sized induced odd subgraphs [details]
- April 29, in Zoom: conference room, Sebastian Brandt: Improved Distributed Lower Bounds for MIS and Bounded Degree Dominating Sets on Trees [details]
- May 04, in Zoom: conference room, Nicolas Grelier: Nearest-Neighbor Decompositions of Drawings [details]
- May 06, in Zoom: conference room, Saeed Ilchi: On List Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes [details]
- May 11, in Zoom: conference room, Nicolas El Maalouly: Minimizing the Constraint Violation for Color Constrained Perfect Matchings [details]
- May 18, in Zoom: conference room, Stefan Tiegel: SoS Degree Reduction with Applications to Clustering and Robust Moment Estimation [details]
- May 20, in Zoom: conference room, Gleb Novikov: Consistent regression when oblivious outliers overwhelm [details]
- May 25, in Zoom: conference room, Simon Weber: An Improved Upper Bound for Random Facet [details]
- May 27, in Zoom: conference room, Charlotte Knierim: Schur's Theorem for randomly perturbed sets [details]
- June 01, in Zoom: conference room, François Clément: Erdős-Falconer distance problem: distribution of distances in five dimensions [details]
- June 03, in Zoom: conference room, Michal Dory: Distributed Weighted Min Cut in Nearly Optimal Time [details]
- September 21, in CAB G51 and Zoom: conference room, Rajko Nenadov (Google): A new proof of the KŁR conjecture [details]
- September 23, in CAB G51 and Zoom: conference room, Johannes Lengler: Evolutionary Algorithms in Dynamic Environments [details]
- September 28, in Zoom: conference room and maybe CAB G51 , Valentin Stoppiello: Edge sets of three dimensional triangulations [details]
- September 30, in CAB G51 and Zoom: conference room, Oliver Janzer: Counting H-free orientations of graphs [details]
- October 05, in CAB G51 and Zoom: conference room, Manuel Wettstein: ExTeX - Interactive lecture notes and exercises in TeX [details]
- October 07, in CAB G51 and Zoom: conference room, Maxime Larcher: Solving Static Permutation Mastermind using O(n log n) Queries [details]
- October 12, in CAB G51 and Zoom: conference room, Stefan Glock: New results for MaxCut in H-free graphs [details]
- October 14, in CAB G51 and Zoom: conference room, Lior Gishboliner: Cycles of many lengths in Hamiltonian graphs [details]
- October 19, Christoph Grunau: Improved CONGEST Algorithm for Strong-Diameter Network Decomposition [details]
- October 21, Goran Zuzic: Universally-Optimal (1+eps)-Approximate Shortest Path and Transshipment in the Distributed Setting [details]
- October 26, Xavier Goaoc (Université de Lorraine): Shatter Functions with Polynomial Growth Rates [details]
- October 28, Julian Portmann: Simple and Optimal Pebble Guided Treasure Hunt [details]
- November 02, Domagoj Bradac: Turán numbers of sunflowers [details]
- November 04, Daniel Rutschmann: Chain Configurations with many Triangulations [details]
- November 09, Vaclav Rozhon: Distributed Algorithms and Set Theory [details]
- November 11, Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak: A Gap-ETH-tight approximation scheme for Euclidean TSP [details]
- November 16, Daniel Bertschinger: Well-Separation and Hyperplane Transversals in High Dimensions [details]
- November 18, Nicolas El Maalouly: Exact Matching in Graphs with Small Independence Number [details]
- November 23, Saeed Ilchi: Perfect Matching in the Plane with Small Detour [details]
- November 25, Anders Martinsson: Additive query games [details]
- November 30, Ulysse Schaller: The Symmetric Rendezvous Problem [details]
- December 02, Simon Weber: Oriented Matroids and Unique Sink Orientations [details]
- December 07, Charlotte Knierim: Reconstructibility of the Kr-count from n-1 cards [details]
- December 09, Kalina Petrova: Resilience of Loose Hamilton Cycles in Random 3-Uniform Hypergraphs [details]
- December 14, Hung Hoang: Gioan's Theorem for complete bipartite graphs [details]
- December 16, Rajai Nasser: Robust recovery for stochastic block models [details]
- December 21, Nicolas Grelier: Improved approximation algorithm for the Minimum Convex Partition problem [details]
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