Mittagsseminar (in cooperation with J. Lengler, A. Steger, and D. Steurer)
Talks in 2014
- January 21, in CAB G11, Bartosz Walczak (EPFL): On-line coloring games and the chromatic number of geometric intersection graphs [details]
- January 28, Karl Bringmann (MPI Saarbrücken): Succinct Sampling from Discrete Distributions [details]
- February 25, Wenying Gan: Maximize the number of independent sets of a fixed size [details]
- February 27, Sonoko Moriyama (Tohoku University): Minimal non-orientable matroids of rank three [details]
- March 04, Peter Allen (London School of Economics): Tight cycles and regular slices in dense hypergraphs [details]
- March 06, Shai Ben-David (University of Waterloo): Theoretical foundations of clustering - few results and many challenges [details]
- March 11, Dennis Clemens (Freie Universität Berlin): On the threshold bias of the Oriented-cycle game [details]
- March 13, Yann Disser (TU Berlin): In defense of Simplex’ worst-case behavior [details]
- March 18, Chandan Dubey: Peering through the local-to-global lense at Lattices [details]
- March 20, Ueli Peter: Universality of random graphs [details]
- March 25, Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács (ELTE University Budapest): Multigraph limits and Banach space labeled graphs [details]
- March 27, Anita Liebenau (University of Warwick): What is Ramsey-equivalent to the clique? [details]
- April 01, Shagnik Das: Supersaturation for Intersecting Families [details]
- April 03, Mathias Ermatinger: Generic Algorithms for Scheduling Problems with Changeover Costs [details]
- April 08, Richard Montgomery (University of Cambridge): Spanning Trees in Random Graphs [details]
- April 10, Dániel Korándi: Ks,t-saturated bipartite graphs [details]
- April 15, Micha Sharir (Tel Aviv University): Algebraic techniques for incidence problems [details]
- April 17, Torsten Mütze: Proof of the middle levels conjecture [details]
- April 24, Rajko Nenadov: Anti-Ramsey properties of Random Graphs [details]
- April 29, Isabelle Hurbain-Palatin: Towards the derandomization of the PPSZ algorithm for the multiple satisfying assignments case [details]
- Wednesday, April 30, Antonis Thomas: Recognizability & Long Cycles in USOs [details]
- May 06, Andreas Noever: Online Ramsey Games in Random Graphs [details]
- May 08, May Szedlák: Discrete Higher Dimensional Cheeger Inequalities [details]
- Wednesday, May 14, Hemant Tyagi: Interpolation with cubic splines [details]
- May 15, Malte Milatz (RWTH Aachen): Methods for Khovanov homology [details]
- Friday, May 16, in CAB G61, Carola Doerr (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6): Computing Point Sets of Low Star Discrepancy with Genetic Algorithms [details]
- May 20, Stephan Seebacher: Simple Wriggling is Hard unless You Are a Fat Hippo [details]
- May 22, Lothar Narins (FU Berlin): The Connectedness of the Independence Complex of Line Graphs [details]
- May 27, Nemanja Skoric: Finding an oriented Hamilton cycle in a pseudorandom digraph [details]
- June 03, Hong Liu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): The typical structure of graphs with no large cliques [details]
- June 05, Michelle Delcourt (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): Infinite Families of Ramanujan Hypergraphs [details]
- June 10, Zuzana Safernová (Charles University): Bounds for Pach's selection theorem [details]
- June 17, in CAB G11, Martin Jaggi: A Short Tutorial on Frank-Wolfe Algorithms for Sparse Convex Optimization [details]
- June 24, Timon Hertli: Randomized k-SAT counting [details]
- June 26, Manuel Wettstein: A Census of Planar Triangulations by W. T. Tutte [details]
- July 10, Alexandra Kolla (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): Bottlenecks and Approaches for Refuting the Unique Games Conjecture [details]
- Friday, July 11, Christian Mueller (New York University): Sparse model estimation and selection with the LASSO and the TREX in systems biology applications [details]
- July 29, Robin Künzler: A Protocol for Generating Random Elements with their Probabilities [details]
- August 26, in LFW C4, Konstantinos Panagiotou (Mathematisches Institut der Universität München): Scaling Limits for Random Graphs [details]
- August 28, in LFW C4, Benjamin Doerr (Ecole Polytechnique de Paris): Randomized Rumor Spreading: Easier and More Precise [details]
- September 16, Luis Barba (Carleton University / Université Libre de Bruxelles): Detecting intersections between convex polyhedra [details]
- September 18, Dániel Korándi: Decomposing random graphs into few cycles and edges [details]
- September 23, Jan Volec: Subcubic triangle-free graphs have fractional chromatic number at most 14/5 [details]
- September 25, Florian Meier: Towards Bio-Plausibility of Deep Learning [details]
- September 30, Pedro Vieira: Almost-Fisher Families [details]
- October 02, Jean Cardinal (Université Libre de Bruxelles): General Position Subsets in d-space [details]
- October 07, Vincent Kusters: Column Planarity and Partial Simultaneous Geometric Embedding [details]
- October 09, Jan Hazla: Parallel Repetition from Fortification [details]
- October 14, Matias Korman (National Institute of Informatics Tokyo): Computing extremal distances in polygonal domains [details]
- October 16, Antonis Thomas: The Complexity of Searching for a Solution [details]
- October 21, Michael Krivelevich (Tel Aviv University): Contagious sets in random graphs [details]
- October 23, May Szedlák: Combinatorial Redundancy Detection [details]
- October 28, Hemant Tyagi: Efficient sampling for learning SPAMs in high dimensions [details]
- October 30, Stoyan Dimitrov (University of Sofia): New bounds for the Vertex Folkman number $F(2_{7};5)$ [details]
- November 04, Malte Milatz: Towards better bounds for link homology [details]
- November 06, Michael Hoffmann: Arc Diagrams, Flip Distances, and Hamiltonian Triangulations [details]
- November 11, Lenny Fukshansky (Claremont McKenna College): On the Frobenius problem and its generalization [details]
- November 13, Pál András Papp: 5-edge-weight vertex colorings [details]
- Friday, November 14, in CAB G11, Matthias Mnich (Universität Bonn): A faster algorithm for parity games [details]
- November 18, Marvin Künnemann (Max Planck Institute for Informatics): On the Smoothed Approximation Performance of the 2-OPT heuristic [details]
- November 20, Gal Kronenberg (Tel Aviv University): Maker-Breaker games with one random player [details]
- November 25, Choongbum Lee (MIT): A lower bound on Grid Ramsey problem [details]
- November 27, Hafsteinn Einarsson: Towards more efficient one shot learning using inhibition in cell assemblies [details]
- December 02, Frank Mousset: Packing a randomly edge-colored random graph with rainbow k-outs [details]
- December 04, Rajko Nenadov: Almost-spanning universality in random graphs [details]
- December 09, Roman Glebov: A probem of Erdos and Sos on 3-graphs [details]
- December 11, Georg Nührenberg: Improved pruning of large data sets for the minimum enclosing ball problem (Linus Källberg, Thomas Larsson) [details]
- December 16, Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto University): Read-Once Branching Programs for Tree Evaluation Problems [details]
- December 18, Nick Spooner: Fixed-Budget Performance of the (1+1)-EA on Linear Functions [details]
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