Mittagsseminar (in cooperation with J. Lengler, A. Steger, and D. Steurer)
Talks in 2019
- January 24, in CAB G11, Anita Liebenau (UNSW): Asymptotic enumeration of graphs by degree sequence [details]
- January 29, Kaito Fujii (University of Tokyo): Fast greedy algorithms for dictionary selection with generalized sparsity constraints [details]
- January 31, Volker Kaibel (OVGU): A Lower Bound on the Extension Complexity of the Correlation Polytope [details]
- February 14, Václav Rozhoň: Embedding trees in dense graphs [details]
- February 19, Luis Barba: Time-Space Trade-Offs for Computing Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees [details]
- February 21, Igor Balla: The Minrank of Random Graphs over Arbitrary Fields [details]
- February 26, Patrick Schnider: Center transversals in subspaces [details]
- February 28, Hung Hoang: ARRIVAL: Intermediate Stops [details]
- March 05, Chih-Hung Liu: A Nearly Optimal Algorithm for Approximate Minimum Selection with Unreliable Comparisons [details]
- March 07, Sebastian Brandt: A General Distributed Speedup Technique and Its Applications [details]
- March 14, Torsten Mütze (TU Berlin): Combinatorial generation via permutation languages [details]
- March 19, Ahad N. Zehmakan: Tight Bounds on the Minimum Size of a Dynamo [details]
- March 21, Mihyun Kang (TU Graz): Vanishing of cohomology groups of random simplicial complexes [details]
- March 26, Charlotte Knierim: Improved bounds on the multicolor Ramsey number of paths and even cycles [details]
- March 28, Boris Klemz (Freie Universität Berlin ): Ordered Level Planarity [details]
- April 02, Alexey Pokrovskiy (Birkbeck, University of London): Slow graph Bootstrap percolation [details]
- April 04, Csaba D. Tóth (California State University Northridge): Reconstruction of the Crossing Type of a Point Set from the Compatible Exchange Graph of Noncrossing Spanning Trees [details]
- April 09, Richard Montgomery (University of Birmingham ): Rainbow Spanning Tree Decompositions [details]
- April 11, Pascal Su: Hajnal-Szemerédi theorem, but without large independent sets [details]
- April 16, Nicolas Grelier: Approximate strong edge-colouring of unit disk graphs [details]
- April 18, Seyedrouzbeh Hasheminezhad: Stabilizing Consensus With The Power Of Two Choices [details]
- April 30, Julian Portmann: Improved Network Decompositions and Applications [details]
- May 02, Louis Abraham: Classic Nintendo Games are (Computationally) Hard (Aloupis et al., 2012) [details]
- Friday, May 03, in CAB G 11, Thodoris Lykouris (Cornell University): Small-loss bounds for online learning with partial information [details]
- Friday, May 03, in CAB G 11, Nathan Linial (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): On the large-scale metric of graphs [details]
- May 07, Jara Uitto: Massively Parallel Computation of Matching and MIS in Sparse Graphs [details]
- May 09, Johannes Lengler: Weighted Percolation on Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs [details]
- May 14, Matija Bucic: Covering random graphs by monochromatic trees and Helly-type results for hypergraphs [details]
- May 16, Erik Jahn: 2-factors with k cycles in Hamiltonian graphs [details]
- Friday, May 17, in CAB G59, Yau Guo Xian: A crossing lemma for multigraphs [details]
- May 21, Yassir Akram: The Adaptive Complexity of Maximizing a Submodular Function (Eric Balkanski, Yaron Singer) [details]
- Wednesday, May 22, in ML H 44, Domenico Mergoni: Minimal Ramsey Graphs for cyclicity [details]
- May 23, Yufei Zhao (MIT): Packing superballs [details]
- May 28, Vincent Tassion: Sharpness of the phase transition via randomized algorithms [details]
- June 18, in CAB G 11, Justin Lewis (UT Austin): Provable Certificates for Adversarial Examples: Fitting a Ball in the Union of Polytopes [details]
- June 27, in CAB G 11, Maxime Larcher: Win Conditions in Maker-Breaker Games on Uniform Hypergraphs [details]
- July 30, Jasper Lee (Brown University): A Near-Optimal Adaptive Algorithm for Estimating Binary Mixtures of Unknown Coins [details]
- September 05, in CAB G 11, Evanthia Papadopoulou (Università della Svizzera italiana): Abstract Voronoi-like diagrams for trees and forests [details]
- September 17, Miloš Trujić: Rödl-Ruciński theorem for large graphs [details]
- September 19, Nicolas Grelier: On the VC-dimension of convex sets and half-spaces [details]
- September 24, Bettina Speckmann (TU Eindhoven): Preprocessing Ambiguous Imprecise Points [details]
- September 26, Daniel Bertschinger: Weighted ε-Nets [details]
- October 01, Emo Welzl: Bistellar and edge flip graphs of triangulations in the plane: Geometry and connectivity. [details]
- October 03, Stefan Glock: High-girth Steiner triple systems and a Turán problem of Brown, Erdős and Sós [details]
- October 08, István Tomon: Partitioning the Boolean lattice into chains of uniform size [details]
- October 10, Vaclav Rozhon: Distributed Derandomization via Network Decomposition [details]
- October 15, Micha Sharir (Tel Aviv University): How to find a point in the convex hull? or: Tukey depth and differential privacy [details]
- October 17, Patrick Schnider: Bisecting three classes of lines [details]
- October 22, Manuela Fischer: The Complexity of (Δ+1)-Vertex-Coloring in Congested Clique, Massively Parallel Computation, and Centralized Local Computation [details]
- October 24, Samuel Hopkins ( UC Berkeley): Robust Mean Estimation in Nearly-Linear Time [details]
- October 29, Raphael Wegner: Queries for convex Polytopes [details]
- October 31, Yi-Jun Chang: Distributed Complexity and Automata Theory [details]
- November 05, Charlotte Knierim: Long Cycles, Heavy Cycles and Cycle Decompositions in Directed Graphs [details]
- November 07, Hung Hoang: Lattice Quotients of the Weak Order [details]
- November 12, Michael Hoffmann: On Universal Geometric Graphs [details]
- November 14, Daan Nilis: A Massively Parallel Algorithm for Minimum Weight Vertex Cover [details]
- November 19, Vincent Cohen-Addad (Sorbonne Université): On the Recent Progress on the Inapproximability of High Dimensional Clustering and the Johnson-Coverage Hypothesis. [details]
- November 21, Anders Martinsson: Mastermind [details]
- November 26, Matija Bucic: Erdos-Szekeres theorem for multidimensional arrays [details]
- November 28, Pascal Su: Chromatic Number of the Random Block Graph [details]
- December 03, Shoham Letzter: Finding monotone patterns [details]
- December 05, Johannes Obenaus: Spanning Trees with Low (Shallow) Stabbing Number [details]
- December 10, Sebastian Brandt: Classification of Distributed Binary Labeling Problems [details]
- December 12, Saeed Ilchi: Multicommodity Routing in Expander Graphs [details]
- December 17, Chih-Hung Liu: Nearly Optimal Planar k Nearest Neighbors Queries under General Distance Functions [details]
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