Mittagsseminar (in cooperation with J. Lengler, A. Steger, and D. Steurer)
Talks in 1998
- January 06, Beat Trachsler: The Zarankiewicz problem and the size of dispersers [details]
- January 08, Alexander Below: On the space of realizable extensions of oriented matroids [details]
- January 13, Roland Ulber: How Polish Mathematicians Deciphered The Enigma [details]
- January 15, Thom Mulders: On using fraction-free methods in the simplex method [details]
- January 20, Alexander Below: The spaces of realizeable extensions of oriented matroids (II) [details]
- January 22, Nora Sleumer: Enumerating the cells of an arrangement [details]
- Wednesday, January 28, Ivan Damgaard (Aarhus University, Denmark): Theory and Practice of Zero-Knowledge Protocols [details]
- January 29, Ivan Damgaard (Aarhus University, Denmark): Secure multi-party computation [details]
- February 03, Bernd Gärtner: Abstract Objective Functions [details]
- February 05, Gyula Károlyi: Subpolytopes of cyclic polytopes [details]
- February 10, Ueli Maurer: Secure multi-party computation [details]
- February 19, Martin Hirt: Realizing Secure Multi-Party Computation [details]
- February 24, Matthias Fitzi: Why it Needs more than Three Women to Force a Presidential Resignation [details]
- February 26, Peter Remmele: Near-Quadratic Bounds for the L_1 Voronoi Diagram of Moving Points [details]
- March 05, Helmut Alt: Point sets with few k-sets [details]
- March 10, Helmut Alt: Nearest neighbor search in high dimensions [details]
- March 12, Jochen van den Bercken: Bulk Index Join: A Generic Approach to Processing Non-Equi Joins [details]
- March 17, Alexander Below: Computation of homology of a simplicial complex [details]
- March 19, Konrad Schlude: Kurzeinfuhrung in die Topologie [details]
- March 31, Johannes Blömer: Gitter, Geometrie, Kryptographie, Komplexitat [details]
- April 07, Frank Wagner (Freie Universität Berlin): Mimicking Networks [details]
- April 09, Gábor Fejes Tóth (Hungarian Academy of Science): Some open problems on packing and covering [details]
- April 14, Hans-Martin Will: Exakte Algorithmen für Kreise auf Kugeln [details]
- April 16, Bernd Gärtner: Abstract Objective Functions [details]
- April 21, Jack Snoeyink (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis & Univ. of British Columbia): On the primitives required for efficient segment intersection algorithms [details]
- April 23, Jack Snoeyink: An open problem on points and segments in the plane, and where it comes from [details]
- May 05, Johannes Blömer: Gitter, reduzierte Basen und Faktorisierungen von Polynomen [details]
- May 07, Jiří Matoušek: Noga Alon on the Shannon capacity of a disjoint union [details]
- May 12, Hans-Martin Will: Parsing English with a link grammar [details]
- May 14, Artur Andrzejak: The poset of regions of a hyperplane arrangement [details]
- May 19, Antoon van den Elzen (Department of Econometrics, Tilburg University): Introduction to simplicial algorithms and an application to game theory [details]
- May 26, Lutz Kettner: Designing a Data Structure for Polyhedral Surfaces [details]
- June 02, Jiří Matoušek: Graphs without small complete bipartite subgraphs (according to Kollar, Ronyai, Szabo, and Alon) [details]
- June 04, Beat Trachsler: An efficient loss-resilient code [details]
- June 09, Imre Bárány (Hungarian Academy of Sciences): Spiral in Geodesics [details]
- June 11, Jürgen Richter-Gebert: Cinderella's Cafe - Beta-Release Party [details]
- June 16, Günter Rote: Optimal logistics for expeditions - the jeep problem with complete refilling [details]
- June 18, Joachim Giesen: Fundamentals of Embeddings of 1-Manifolds [details]
- June 23, Joachim Giesen: Menger's Theorem and weak irregular embeddings [details]
- Friday, June 26, Artur Andrzejak: (j,i)-Facetten: Eine Verallgemeinerung von j-Facetten und k-Mengen [details]
- June 30, Christian Gut: Einweg-Funktionen und versteckte Bits (I) [details]
- July 02, Christian Gut: Einweg-Funktionen und versteckte Bits (II) [details]
- July 07, Mike Hallet: Really Really Big Reductions - Parameterized Complexity [details]
- Wednesday, July 08, Joachim Giesen: Kurven, Kurven ... [details]
- July 09, Joachim Giesen: ... und nochmals Kurven [details]
- July 14, Otfried Cheong: Hierarchische vertikale Zerlegungen [details]
- July 16, Otfried Cheong: Hierarchische vertikale Zerlegungen (Anwendungen) [details]
- July 21, Nicola Galli: Uniformity prefers irregularities: Some (open) problems in pattern matching (Teil 1) [details]
- July 23, Nicola Galli: Uniformity prefers irregularities: Some (open) problems in pattern matching (Teil 2) [details]
- August 04, Jean-Pierre Seifert: Komplexitat diophantischer Approximationen [details]
- August 11, Peter Remmele: Kinematische Voronoi-Diagramme und ihre Implementierung [details]
- August 20, Ulrike Stege: Analogs & Duals of the MAST Problem for Sequences & Trees [details]
- August 27, Christoph Ambühl: Towards New Lower Bounds for the List Update Problem [details]
- Friday, August 28, Frank Wagner: Ein systematischer Ansatz für die Landkartenbeschriftung [details]
- September 03, Maurice Herlihy (Brown University): :Theory and Practice of Lock-Free Synchronization [details]
- Monday, September 07, Stefan Felsner (FU Berlin): Graphs and Poset-Dimension [details]
- Friday, September 11, Stefan Felsner: Reduzierte Dekompositionen und Young Tableaux [details]
- September 15, Johannes Blömer: Kurze Gitterbasen und Ajtai's worst-case auf average-case Reduktion [details]
- September 17, Johannes Blömer: Arthur und Merlin unterhalten sich über Gitter - Wie schwer ist es kurze Gittervektoren zu berechnen? [details]
- Monday, September 21, Leonidas Guibas (Stanford University): Collision Detection [details]
- September 22, Bernd Gärtner: Ein Reinfall mit Pseudozufallsmatrizen [details]
- September 24, Emo Welzl: Applications of inversion formulas [details]
- September 29, Emo Welzl: Line entering j-facets [details]
- October 06, Johannes Blömer: Fast orthogonale Gitterbasen [details]
- October 13, Emo Welzl: On a simple sampling lemma [details]
- October 15, Beat Trachsler: k-Cores in a Random Graph: Demonstration of a New Analysis Tool [details]
- October 22, Emo Welzl: From d to n-d - the Gale transform (sort of) [details]
- October 27, Lutz Kettner: Designing a Data Structure for Polyhedral Surfaces with C++ Templates [details]
- October 29, Artur Andrzejak: Reverse search for k-sets [details]
- November 03, Ulrich Kortenkamp: Applications of Gale duality (sort of) [details]
- November 05, Falk Tschirschnitz: Random Simplex is exponential in the heigth [details]
- November 10, Christoph Ambühl: The Random Assignment Problem [details]
- November 12, Johannes Blömer: Makes uniqueness life easy? (Part I) [details]
- November 17, Jesus de Loera: The secondary polytope and Gale transforms [details]
- November 19, Joachim Giesen: A random bit-flipping method for seeking agreement [details]
- November 24, Joachim Giesen: A random bit-flipping method for seeking agreement (II) [details]
- November 26, Joachim Giesen: A random bit-flipping method for seeking agreement (III) [details]
- December 03, Bernd Gärtner: Directed Connectedness of polytope graphs [details]
- December 08, Ulrike Stege: On the Multiple Gene Duplication Problem [details]
- December 10, Artur Andrzejak: Segmentation problems - a novel genre of optimization problems [details]
- December 15, Michael Hoffmann: Path Coupling: A technique for proving rapid mixing in Markov chains (Part I) [details]
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