Mittagsseminar (in cooperation with J. Lengler, A. Steger, and D. Steurer)
Talks in 1997
- January 14, Dietmar Kühl: Implementation von Graphalgorithmen [details]
- January 16, Gabriele Neyer: Specification and implementation of range and segment trees in CGAL [details]
- January 28, Hans-Martin Will: Compositional grammars - Oder: Wieviel Theorie braucht man für die übersetzung Englisch-Holländisch? [details]
- January 30, Nora Sleumer: Polynomial-rate algorithms for constructung arrangements [details]
- February 04, Paul Callahan: Causing disasters efficiently: output-sensitive queries in discrete event simulation [details]
- Friday, February 07, Leonidas Guibas: Data structures for mobile data [details]
- February 20, Giovanni Cesari: Parallel algorithms for multiple-precision arithmetic [details]
- February 25, Victor Shoup: Lower bounds for discrete logarithms and related problems [details]
- March 04, Bernd Gärtner: Kleinste umschliessende Ellipsen [details]
- March 06, Beat Trachsler: Geburtsprozesse und Datenstrukturen [details]
- March 13, Bernhard von Stengel: Probability generating functions [details]
- March 20, Stephan Eidenbenz: Optimale Suchbäume [details]
- March 25, Günter Rote: Matching convex shapes with respect to the symmetric difference [details]
- April 08, Andreas Enge: Elliptic curves and their use in cryptography - an elementary introduction [details]
- April 10, Gyula Károlyi: On a graph coloring problem [details]
- April 15, Boris Aronov: Average cost of ray shooting and minimum-area triangulations [details]
- April 17, Ronald Cramer: Linear zero-knowledge [details]
- April 24, Bernhard von Stengel: Asymptotics of generating functions: Results of lookup 1 3 13 63 321 1683 8989 [details]
- April 29, Hans-Martin Will: Verifying Polytopes [details]
- May 06, Joachim Giesen: Curve reconstruction and the euclidean traveling salesman problem [details]
- May 13, Joachim Giesen: Curve reconstruction and the euclidean traveling salesman problem [details]
- May 15, Emo Welzl: An identity on the halving edges of a planar point set [details]
- Friday, May 16, Berry Schoenmakers: Basic security - aspects of the ecash(tm) system [details]
- May 20, Imre Bárány: Sylvester's question: the probability that n points are in convex position [details]
- May 22, Emo Welzl: An identity on the halving edges of a planar point set (Teil 2) [details]
- May 27, Nicola Santoro (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada): Computing with a sense of direction [details]
- May 29, Ambros Marzetta: Primal-dual methods for vertex and facet enumeration [details]
- Friday, May 30, Mary Inaba (University of Tokyo): On geometric clustering problems [details]
- June 12, Marc van Kreveld (University of Utrecht): Label placement by maximum independent set in rectangles [details]
- June 24, Reto Kohlas: A mathematical theory of hints: One way to deal with uncertain information [details]
- June 26, Jürgen Richter-Gebert: Strange properties of arrangements of pseudohyperplanes [details]
- July 01, Johannes Blömer: Testen von Gleichungen [details]
- July 03, Hans-Martin Will: An efficient algorithm for hidden surface removal [details]
- July 10, Beat Trachsler: Superconcentrators of linear size [details]
- July 15, Nicola Galli: Compression of sparse matrices [details]
- July 17, Joachim Giesen: Minimal roughness property of the Delaunay triangulation [details]
- July 22, Artur Andrzejak: An arrangement of pseudolines with many median intersections [details]
- July 24, Beat Trachsler: Superconcentrators II: applications and recent results [details]
- July 29, Chantal Korostensky: Phylogenetic trees and multiple sequence alignments [details]
- August 12, Bernhard Seybold: Constraint solving: Einführung und Spezialfälle [details]
- August 14, Harald Meyer auf'm Hofe (DFKI Kaiserslautern): Hybride Suchalgorithmen und Constrainthierarchien [details]
- September 02, Johannes Blömer: Nulltests für Wurzelausdrücke [details]
- September 04, Bernd Gärtner: External Pivoting [details]
- Monday, September 08, Jakob Magun: Greedy Matching Algorithms, an Experimental Study [details]
- September 09, Bernhard von Stengel: Redundant variables in LP pivoting [details]
- September 11, Martin Müller: Report on IJCAI'97, RoboCup (computer soccer) and FOST Cup (Computer Go) [details]
- September 23, Torsten Thiele (Freie Universität Berlin): Three-dimensional grid drawings of graphs [details]
- October 02, Johannes Blömer: P = BPP ? [details]
- October 07, Artur Andrzejak: Local minima on k-levels [details]
- October 09, Gyula Károlyi: Ramsey-remainder for convex sets and the Erdős-Szekeres Theorem [details]
- October 14, Artur Andrzejak: Applications of the bound on local mimina of $k$-levels [details]
- October 16, Bernd Gärtner: A Simple(x) Algorithm for Smallest Enclosing Balls [details]
- October 21, Michael Hoffmann: Searching in Monotone Matrices [details]
- October 23, Lutz Kettner: Implementation of Convex-Hull Algorithms [details]
- October 28, Gustavo Alonso (Institute of Information Systems): Extensions of serializability theory to middleware environments [details]
- October 30, Lutz Kettner: Implementation of Convex-Hull Algorithms [details]
- November 04, Beat Trachsler: Tight bounds for depth-two superconcentrators [details]
- November 06, Gabriele Neyer: Singularities Make Spatial Join Scheduling Hard [details]
- November 11, Peter Widmayer: Allmähliches Balancieren von Suchbäumen: Wie sich Probleme manchmal durch Abwarten lösen lassen [details]
- November 13, Hans-Martin Will: Computing additively weighted Voronoi cells for applications in molecular biology [details]
- November 18, Roger Wattenhofer: Decentral Distributed Data Structures [details]
- November 20, Joachim Giesen: Calculating minimal surfaces [details]
- November 25, Christos Papadimitriou (UC Berkeley): Market Segmentation Problems [details]
- November 27, Bernd Gärtner: +1/-1 determinants [details]
- December 02, Bernhard von Stengel: Mathematical recreations by John Conway [details]
- December 04, Ulrich Kortenkamp: Fingerprinting of oriented matroids [details]
- Monday, December 08, David Bryant (University of Canterbury, New Zealand): Building trees, hunting for trees and comparing trees [details]
- December 09, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen (Helsinki University of Technology): Balanced distributed search tree [details]
- December 11, Stephan Eidenbenz: Lange Codes, oder wie man durch Lesen nur dreier Bits überprüft, ob eine Variablenbelegung einer k-SAT-Formel die Formel erfüllt [details]
- December 16, Alexander Schrijver (CWI and Universiteit van Amsterdam): Optimization at the Dutch Railway [details]
- December 18, Thomas Roos: Space filling curves for range queries -- all equal? [details]
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