Mittagsseminar (in cooperation with J. Lengler, A. Steger, and D. Steurer)
Talks in 2004
- January 13, Dieter Mitsche: The Hidden Cluster Problem [details]
- January 15, Simon Spalinger: Supervised Learning of Preference Relations [details]
- January 20, Miloš Stojaković: Positional Games on Random Graphs [details]
- January 22, Julian Lorenz: Geometric Clustering Problems [details]
- January 27, Bettina Speckmann (TU Eindhoven): The Zigzag Path of a Pseudo-Triangulation [details]
- January 29, Leo Rüst: Unique Sink Orientations on Grids [details]
- February 03, Sandra Roost: Seventeen lines and one-hundred-and-one points [details]
- February 05, Jan Rihak: Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation [details]
- February 10, Robert Berke: Graphs with the Turan Property [details]
- February 12, Yoshio Okamoto: A solution to the Furedi-Hajnal conjecture by Marcus & Tardos [details]
- February 17, Alexander Hall: Flows over Time [details]
- February 19, Shankar Ram Lakshminarayanan: On the Number of Minimum Cuts in a Graph [details]
- February 24, Konstantinos Panagiotou: Vector Quantization [details]
- March 04, Shakhar Smorodinsky: On Locally Delaunay Geometric Graphs [details]
- March 11, Jan Remy: Online Construction of Minimum Spanning Trees in Random Weighted Graphs [details]
- March 16, Uli Wagner (Charles University, Prague): On Halving Simplices in 4 Dimensions (Part I) [details]
- March 18, Uli Wagner (Charles University, Prague): On Halving Simplices in 4 Dimensions (Part II) [details]
- Friday, March 19, Marc Nunkesser: An algorithmic view on OVSF code assignment [details]
- March 23, Zsolt Katona (Eötvös Lorand University, Budapest): Width of a scale-free tree [details]
- March 30, Ingo Schurr: Height of bottom-antipodal trees [details]
- April 01, Christian Wenz: Mick Might Get Some (But You Can't Always Get What You Want) [details]
- April 06, Yoshio Okamoto: The traveling salesman problem with few inner points [details]
- April 13, Andreas Paffenholz (TU Berlin): New Polytopes derived from Products [details]
- April 15, Markus Bläser: Approximation algorithms for Max-ATSP with distances zero and one [details]
- April 20, Michael Hoffmann (2) (University of Leicester): Efficient Update Strategies for Geometric Computing with Uncertainty [details]
- April 22, Simon Spalinger: Support Vector Clustering [details]
- April 27, Anusch Taraz (HU Berlin): Large planar subgraphs in dense graphs [details]
- April 29, Gyula Károlyi (Eötvös University): Erdős-Szekeres theorem with forbidden order types [details]
- May 04, Andreas Weissl: On the number of labelled planar graphs with n nodes and qn edges [details]
- May 06, Justus Schwartz: Average case complexity of the shortest path problem in sparse graphs [details]
- May 11, Stefanie Gerke: Sparse epsilon-regular pairs [details]
- May 13, Martin Marciniszyn: Ramsey games [details]
- May 18, Johann A. Makowsky (Technion, Haifa and ETH Zürich): Algorithms for SAT and #SAT for formulas of bounded tree width and clique width [details]
- May 27, Pavel Valtr (Charles Univ., Prague): Strictly convex norms allowing many unit distances [details]
- Friday, May 28, Carsten Lange (TU Berlin): On generalised Kneser colouring theorems [details]
- June 01, Pavel Valtr (Charles Univ., Prague): Open caps and cups in planar point sets [details]
- June 03, Yoshio Okamoto: Core Stability of Minimum Coloring Games [details]
- June 08, Andreas Meyer: An Introduction to Bilinear Complexity Theory and on a new Approach using Geometric Invariant Theory [details]
- June 10, Petr Škovroň (Charles Univ.): Abstract Models of Optimization Problems [details]
- June 15, Dieter Mitsche: Reconstructing a Large Clique in a Random Graph [details]
- June 17, Stefano Tessaro: Fast Integer Programming in Fixed Dimension [details]
- Friday, June 18, Jiří Matoušek (Charles Univ.): Simplex Reptiles Could Help the Net Police, But Probably They Do Not Exist [details]
- June 22, Moshe Lewenstein (Bar Ilan Univ.): Peeling Codes with Applications to Finding Witnesses [details]
- June 24, Takeaki Uno (National Institute of Informatics (NII): Efficient Maximal Clique Enumeration and its Application to Frequent Set Mining Problem [details]
- June 29, Nagabhushana Prabhu (Purdue University): :The Hirsch Conjecture [details]
- July 01, Csaba Dávid Tóth (U. of California at Santa Barbara): Binary space partitions of orthogonal subdivisions [details]
- July 06, Julian Lorenz: Concise Representations for Frequent Itemsets [details]
- July 13, Shakhar Smorodinsky: On Conflict-Free Colorings [details]
- July 15, Moritz Maaß (TU München): An Average-Case Analysis of Trie Searching with Mismatches [details]
- July 20, Alessandro Panconesi (La Sapienza, U. di Roma): How to Distribute ConDoms Cheaply [details]
- July 27, Volker Kaibel (TU Berlin): Low-dimensional faces of random 0/1-polytopes [details]
- August 17, Peter Bürgisser (Univ. Paderborn): The complexity of counting in semialgebraic geometry [details]
- August 31, József Balogh (The Ohio State Univ.): The Klee-Minty random edge chain moves with linear speed [details]
- September 23, Micha Sharir (Tel Aviv Univ.): On Empty Convex Polygons in a Planar Point Set [details]
- September 28, Michael Hoffmann: Chordless Paths and Cycles [details]
- October 12, Alex Souza-Oftermatt: Recent Progress in Stochastic Knapsack [details]
- October 14, Alexander Gloye (FU Berlin): FU FIGHTERS - An Adaptive Multilayered Platform for Soccer Playing Autonomous Mobile Robots [details]
- October 19, Gabor Szabó: Joint Base Station Scheduling [details]
- October 21, Alexander Engström (KTH Stockholm): Evasive Graph Properties [details]
- October 26, Sonja Čukić (KTH Stockholm): Topological Properties of Complexes of Graph Homomorphisms [details]
- October 28, Shakhar Smorodinsky: A Survey about Geometric Permutations [details]
- November 02, Kazuhisa Makino (Osaka Univ.): On Computing all Abductive Explanations from a Propositional Horn Theory [details]
- November 04, Gyula Károlyi (Eötvös Lorand Univ.): Squares in arithemtic progressions [details]
- November 09, Michael Krivelevich (Tel Aviv Univ.): Sphere packing in Rn through Graph Theory [details]
- November 11, Tibor Szabó: RandomEdge can be Mildly Exponential on Abstract Cubes [details]
- November 16, Dirk Schlatter: Spanning subgraphs of random graphs [details]
- Wednesday, November 17, László Lovász (Microsoft Corporation and Eötvös Univ.): The distance of two graphs [details]
- November 18, Yoshio Okamoto: Brief introduction to the submodular function minimization problem [details]
- November 23, Leo Rüst: Ladders [details]
- Wednesday, November 24, Yoshio Okamoto: Brief introduction to the submodular function minimization problem (Part II) [details]
- November 25, Miloš Stojaković: Coloring Octrees [details]
- November 30, Robert Berke: Relaxed Two-Coloring on Graphs [details]
- December 02, Georgios Mertzios (TU München): The Fixed-Parameter Cluster-Detecting Problem and applications [details]
- December 07, Konstantinos Panagiotou: Coloring the Random Graph [details]
- December 09, Péter Csorba: On box complexes [details]
- December 14, Mihyun Kang (HU Berlin): The Asymptotic Number of Outerplanar Graphs [details]
- December 16, Kaspar Fischer: More convex programs in subexponential time [details]
- December 21, Claudia Käppeli: Maximum Matchings via Gaussian Elimination [details]
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