Mittagsseminar (in cooperation with J. Lengler, A. Steger, and D. Steurer)
Talks in 2018
- January 16, Olaf Parczyk (Goethe University Frankfurt): Randomly perturbed graphs [details]
- January 30, Karim Labib: Hamming Distance Completeness & Sparse Matrix Multiplication [details]
- February 20, Anders Martinsson: Segregating Markov chains [details]
- February 22, Antoine Deza (McMaster University and Université Paris Sud): On lattice polytopes, convex matroid optimization, and degree sequences of hypergraphs [details]
- February 27, Matija Bucic: Minimum saturated families of sets [details]
- March 01, Alexey Pokrovskiy: Rainbow trees and their applications [details]
- March 06, Istvan Tomon (EPFL): On the size of k-cross-free families [details]
- March 08, Florian Meier: Even flying cops should think ahead [details]
- March 13, Boris Bukh (Carnegie Mellon University): Nearly orthogonal vectors and small antipodal spherical codes [details]
- March 15, David Steurer: Improved clustering and robust moment estimation via sum-of-squares [details]
- March 20, Malte Milatz: Random pivoting revisited [details]
- March 22, Matthew Kwan: Induced subgraphs of Ramsey graphs [details]
- March 27, Wojciech Samotij (Tel Aviv University): Subsets of posets minimising the number of chains [details]
- March 29, Sebastian Brandt: A Speed-up Technique for Lower Bounds in the LOCAL Model [details]
- April 10, Pavel Valtr (Charles University): On the maximum crossing number [details]
- April 12, Thatchaphol Saranurak (KTH Royal Institute of Technology): Dynamic Spanning Forest: Techniques and Connections to Other Fields [details]
- April 17, Oren Luidor (Technion): How many ants does it take to find some food? [details]
- April 19, Chih-Hung Liu: A Nearly Optimal Algorithm for the Geodesic Voronoi Diagram of Points in a Simple Polygon [details]
- April 24, Michael Hoffmann: Two-Planar Graphs Are Quasiplanar [details]
- April 26, Michael Krivelevich (Tel Aviv University): Getting a prescribed number of edges in a subgraph is polynomially unlikely [details]
- May 03, Bernhard Haeupler (Carnegie Mellon University): Near Optimal Deterministic Document Exchange and Binary Codes for Small Number of Insertions and Deletions [details]
- Friday, May 04, in CAB G11, Nati Linial (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Random simplicial complexes [details]
- May 08, Nemanja Draganic: Blockers for non-crossing spanning trees in complete geometric graphs [details]
- May 15, Ahad N. Zehmakan: Bootstrap Percolation [details]
- May 17, Aaron Potechin (KTH Stockholm): Sum of Squares Lower Bounds from Symmetry and a Good Story [details]
- May 22, Daan Nilis: An inductive construction for Hamilton cycles in Kneser graphs [details]
- May 24, Manuela Fischer: Breaking the Linear-Memory Barrier in MPC: Fast MIS on Trees with Sublinear Memory per Machine [details]
- May 29, Pascal Pfister: H-bootstrap percolation [details]
- May 31, Manuel Broechin: Counting Triangulations in Subexponential Time [details]
- June 05, Charlotte Knierim: Resilience of triangle factors in random graphs [details]
- June 12, Tselil Schramm (Harvard): (Nearly) Efficient Algorithms for the Graph Matching Problem in Correlated Random Graphs [details]
- June 14, Rajko Nenadov: On a Ramsey-Turán variant of the Hajnal-Szemerédi theorem [details]
- June 19, Johannes Lengler: Evolutionary Algorithms on Monotone Functions [details]
- June 26, in CHN C 14, Pavel Valtr (Charles University): The exact chromatic number of the convex segment disjointness graph [details]
- July 26, Uli Wagner (IST Austria): Shellability is NP-complete [details]
- Wednesday, August 22, Ulysse Schaller: The (1+1)-EA on Noisy Linear Functions with Random Positive Weights [details]
- August 30, Sebastian Stich (EPFL): Communication Efficient SGD through Quantization with Memory [details]
- September 18, Pascal Pfister: Optimal strategies for patrolling fences [details]
- September 20, in CAB G61, Bernd Gärtner: Emo 60 [details]
- September 25, Manuela Fischer: Local Glauber Dynamics [details]
- September 27, Jara Uitto: Sparsifying Distributed Algorithms in the Low-Memory Massively Parallel Computation Model [details]
- October 02, Shoham Letzter: Lagrangians of hypergraphs [details]
- October 04, Johannes Lengler: The univariate marginal distribution algorithm [details]
- October 09, Mykhaylo Tyomkyn (Tel Aviv University): Two Erdős-Hajnal-type theorems in hypergraphs [details]
- October 11, Rajko Nenadov: Towards the Kohayakawa–Kreuter conjecture on asymmetric Ramsey properties [details]
- October 16, Jozsef Solymosi (The University of British Columbia): Sums, products and ratios along the edges of a graph [details]
- October 18, Tuan Tran: Subgraph statistics [details]
- October 23, Matija Bucic: Nearly-linear monotone paths in edge-ordered graphs [details]
- October 25, Lenny Fukshansky (Claremont McKenna College): An algebraic perspective on integer sparse recovery [details]
- October 30, Miloš Trujić: Randomness doubles the power [details]
- November 01, Jerri Nummenpalo: A simple proof of the middle levels theorem [details]
- November 06, Stefanie Gerke (Royal Holloway University of London): Successive minimal paths in complete graphs with random edge weights [details]
- November 08, Micha Sharir (Tel Aviv University): Radial isotropic position: Theory, algorithms, and applications [details]
- November 13, Michael Hoffmann: On Planar Graphs, Books, and Hamiltonian Cycles [details]
- November 15, Adam Zsolt Wagner: An extremal problem concerning projective cubes [details]
- November 20, Luis Barba: Testing if V-polytopes and H-polytopes intersect [details]
- November 22, Justin Dallant: A Simply Exponential Upper Bound on the Maximum Number of Stable Matchings [details]
- November 22, in CAB G 15.2, Rozhon Vaclav: Approximating edit distance [details]
- November 27, Patrick Schnider: Ham Sandwich Cuts in Subspaces [details]
- November 29, Johannes Obenaus: Trapping Games on Random Boards [details]
- December 04, Raphael Kübler: Online Bipartite Matching with Amortized O(log²n) Replacements [details]
- December 06, Sergey Avvakumov (IST Austria): Convex fair partitions into an arbitrary number of pieces [details]
- December 11, Miloš Stojaković (University of Novi Sad): Bottleneck bichromatic non-crossing matchings using orbits [details]
- December 13, Vaggos Chatziafratis (Stanford): Hierarchical Clustering better than Average-Linkage [details]
- December 18, Jean Cardinal (Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)): On the Diameter of Tree Associahedra [details]
- December 20, Torsten Mütze (TU Berlin): On symmetric chains and Hamilton cycles [details]
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