Mittagsseminar (in cooperation with J. Lengler, A. Steger, and D. Steurer)
Talks in 2016
- January 26, Pascal Su: Bipartite Kneser graphs are Hamiltonian [details]
- January 28, Zur Luria (ITS): Discrepancy in high-dimensional permutations [details]
- February 23, Alexander Pilz: Deciding Monotonicity of Good Drawings of the Complete Graph [details]
- February 25, Marcelo Matheus Gauy: Optimal Densities for Local Synapses in Associative Memories [details]
- Monday, February 29, Torsten Mütze (TU Berlin): A new combinatorial Gray code for balanced combinations [details]
- March 01, Martin Nägele: Refuting a Conjecture of Goemans on Minimum Bounded Degree Spanning Trees [details]
- March 03, Rajko Nenadov: Size-Ramsey numbers of bounded-degree triangle-free graphs [details]
- March 08, Andrea Baggio (IFOR): Firefighting on Trees Beyond Integrality Gaps [details]
- March 10, Nina Kamcev: Bounded colorings of multipartite graphs [details]
- March 15, Tomasz Łuczak (Adam Mickiewicz University): Yet another problem concerning Hamiltonian cycles in random graphs [details]
- March 17, Jared Tanner (University of Oxford): Parallel-l0, a fully parallel algorithm for combinatorial compressed sensing [details]
- March 22, May Szedlák: Random Sampling with Removal [details]
- March 24, Jan Hazla: Parallel Repetition and Density Hales-Jewett Theorem [details]
- March 31, Pascal Pfister: A threshold for the identifiability of the $n \times n$ random jigsaw puzzle [details]
- April 05, Dániel Korándi: Domination in 3-tournaments [details]
- April 07, Igor Balla: Equiangular Lines [details]
- April 12, Christian Schneebeli: Randomized algorithms to sample from the boundary of convex polytopes [details]
- April 14, Matthew Kwan: Counting spanning trees in random regular graphs [details]
- April 19, Asier Mujika: Practical Algorithms for Generating a Random Ordering of the Elements of a Weighted Set [details]
- April 21, Alexey Pokrovskiy : Ramsey goodness of paths [details]
- April 26, Frank Mousset: Lower bounds for online graph exploration [details]
- April 28, Manuel Wettstein: Crossing-free Geometric Graphs on Wheel Sets [details]
- May 03, Malte Milatz: What is an abstract linear program? [details]
- May 10, Marko Kabic: Random runners are very lonely [details]
- May 12, Christian Wieser: Online Ramsey Game for Bow-tie Graphs (Master Thesis) [details]
- May 17, Ahad N. Zehmakan: Color War on Grid [details]
- May 19, Asaf Ferber (Yale University): Iterated Log Law for various graph parameters [details]
- Friday, May 20, in CAB G11, Carsten Lange (TU München): Cayley gaphs of finite Coxeter groups, Colin de Verdiere matrices and convex polytopes [details]
- May 31, Ralph Keusch: Greedy routing on real-world networks [details]
- June 02, Stephen Chestnut (IFOR): Beating CountSketch for heavy hitters in insertion streams [details]
- June 07, Annika Heckel (University of Oxford): The chromatic number of dense random graphs [details]
- June 16, Jerri Nummenpalo: Constant time algorithm for middle levels Gray codes [details]
- Friday, June 17, in CAB G11, Robert E. Tarjan (Princeton University): Concurrent Disjoint Set Union [details]
- June 21, Patrick Schnider: A Generalization of Crossing Families [details]
- June 23, Jan Volec: Minimum number of edges that occur in odd cycles [details]
- June 30, Florian Meier: How do brains scale? [details]
- July 05, in CAB G11, Miloš Trujić: An extension of Dirac's theorem for sparse graphs (Master Thesis) [details]
- July 12, in CAB G11, Hafsteinn Einarsson: Fast cell assembly formation [details]
- September 06, in CAB G11, Efi Fogel (Tel Aviv University): Exact Minkowski Sums of Polygons With Holes [details]
- September 08, in CAB G61, Monique Teillaud (INRIA Nancy - Grand Est): Delaunay triangulations on orientable surfaces of low genus [details]
- September 15, in CAB G11, Przemek Uznański: Round-Robin Token Propagation: Additive Combinatorics Meets Distributed Load Balancing [details]
- September 20, Andreas Noever: Smaller subgraphs of minimal degree k [details]
- September 22, Lazar Todorovic: Size of Separators in GIRGs Depends on Underlying Geometry [details]
- September 27, Miloš Stojaković (University of Novi Sad): Faster bottleneck non-crossing matchings [details]
- September 29, Nemanja Skoric: Covering sparse graphs by monochromatic cycles [details]
- October 04, Nina Kamcev: Anagram-free Colourings of Graphs [details]
- October 06, Matias Korman (Tohoku University): Time-Space Trade-offs for Computing (High Order) Voronoi Diagrams [details]
- October 11, Chidambaram Annamalai: Finding Perfect Matchings in Bipartite Hypergraphs [details]
- October 13, Joel Spencer (New York University): The Long Journey of R(3,k) [details]
- October 18, Felix Dräxler: Spherical Codes in Euclidean Space [details]
- October 20, Micha Sharir (Tel Aviv University): Decomposing arrangements of hyperplanes: VC-dimension, combinatorial dimension, point location, and a very long title [details]
- October 25, May Szedlák: Redundancies in Linear Systems with two Variables per Inequality [details]
- October 27, Antonis Thomas: Exponential paths for history-based pivot rules on abstract cubes [details]
- November 01, Pedro Vieira: Eventowns for multiple intersections [details]
- November 03, Gregory Gutin (Royal Holloway University of London): A Multivariate Approach for Checking Resiliency in Access Control [details]
- November 08, Daniel Graf: 2-Reachability is Almost as Easy as Transitive Closure [details]
- November 10, Ola Svensson (EPFL): Better Guarantees for k-Means and Euclidean k-Median by Primal-Dual Algorithms [details]
- November 15, Ralph Keusch: Lower and Upper Bounds for the general Colorability Saturation Game [details]
- November 17, Amar Vutha (University of Toronto): Three Big Mysteries [details]
- Friday, November 18, in CAB G11, Jan Foniok (Manchester Metropolitan University): Hereditary graph classes, Bell numbers, and well quasi-ordering [details]
- November 22, Matthew Kwan: Resilience for the Littlewood-Offord problem [details]
- November 24, Jonathan Noel: Supersaturation in Posets and Applications Involving the Container Method [details]
- Wednesday, November 30, Angelika Steger: Deep learning - should you care? [details]
- December 01, Florian Meier: Rumor spreading: Push is fast on sparse random graphs [details]
- December 06, Fabio Banfi: Ant-Inspired Density Estimation via Random Walks [details]
- December 08, Miloš Trujić: Local resilience of an almost spanning k-cycle in sparse random graphs [details]
- December 13, Michal Svagerka: The Power of Two Choices in Distributed Voting [details]
- December 15, Ahad N. Zehmakan: Biased Majority Cellular Automata [details]
- December 20, Felix Weissenberger: Fast Rate-Based Plasticity [details]
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