Mittagsseminar (in cooperation with J. Lengler, A. Steger, and D. Steurer)
Talks in 2001
- January 11, Gyula Károlyi (Eötvös University, Budapest): An Erdős-Szekeres type problem in the plane [details]
- January 18, Udo Adamy: Randomized Greedy Hot-Potato Routing (Costas Busch, Maurice Herlihy, Roger Wattenhofer, SODA 00) [details]
- January 25, Sven Schönherr: "Brain-Matching" - A Medical Application [details]
- February 08, Johannes Blömer (Universität Paderborn): Security of Low Secret Key RSA [details]
- February 13, Jed Mihalisin (University of Washington): Polytopal Digraphs [details]
- February 22, Uli Wagner: News from Alon on Choice Numbers [details]
- Wednesday, February 28, Emo Welzl: Balanced Lines and Halving Triangles [details]
- Friday, March 02, Günter Rote (FU Berlin): Integer Programming in Low Dimensions [details]
- March 06, Lutz Kettner (Chapel Hill): 4D Voxel Data Visualizatio [details]
- March 08, Emo Welzl: Unique Sink Orientations of the Cube - Why? [details]
- March 13, Emo Welzl: Unique Sink Orientations of the Cube - Properties, and how to find the sink [details]
- March 15, Zsuzsanna Lipták: Broadcasting with Dynamic Byzantine Edge Faults [details]
- Friday, March 16, Bettina Speckmann: :Kinetic Collision Detection for Simple Polygons [details]
- March 20, Hiroyuki Miyazawa: A Randomized Algorithm for the Weighted Interval Selection Problem [details]
- March 22, Debjani Bhowmick (Regional Engineering College, Silchair, India): Inventory Modelling [details]
- March 27, Artur Andrzejak: Memory-Efficient Enumeration of Global States in a Distributed Computation (40 Minutes, no coffee-break) [details]
- April 03, Stefan Langerman (Rutgers University): Geometric Medians [details]
- April 05, Bernd Gärtner: Acyclic unique sink orientations [details]
- April 10, Joachim Giesen: : Detecting Dimension from Discrete Data [details]
- Wednesday, April 11, Shmuel Onn (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology): Corner Cut Polyhedra and Groebner Bases of Point Configurations [details]
- April 12, Uli Wagner: Counting Corner Cuts [details]
- April 19, Falk Tschirschnitz: :Testing Extendability for Partial Chirotopes is NP-complete [details]
- April 24, György Elekes (Eötvös University, Budapest): Combinatorial Geometry and Additive Number Theory (Joint work with Imre Z. Ruzsa.) [details]
- April 26, Krzysztof Pietrzak: $opt=\overline{opt}$ is NP-complete; an $O(mn!n^3)$ Algorithm for the list update problem [details]
- May 03, György Elekes (Eötvös University, Budapest): Many Collinear Triples on Algebraic Curves (Joint work with Endre Szabó.) [details]
- May 08, Mirjam Tolksdorf: The Small World Phenomenon -- An Algorithmic Perspective (Jon Kleinberg, STOC 2000) [details]
- May 10, Zsuzsanna Lipták: Combinatorics of Weighted Sequences or: How to Identify Proteins without Sequencing Them [details]
- May 17, Pankaj Agarwal (Duke University): On the Number of Congruent Simplices in a Point Set [details]
- May 22, Oleg Pikhurko (Cambridge University): Size Ramsey Numbers and Integer Programming [details]
- May 29, Ingo Schurr: How model theory could help answering $P\neq NP$ [details]
- May 31, Lukas Finschi: Complete Combinatorial Generation of Small Point Configurations and Hyperplane Arrangements [details]
- June 07, Christoph Ambühl: Mean Payoff Games [details]
- June 12, Csaba Dávid Tóth: Binary Space Partitions for Line Segments with a Limited Number of Directions [details]
- June 14, József Solymosi: On a Generalization of Roth's Theorem [details]
- June 19, Vladlen Koltun (Tel Aviv University): Segment Intersection Searching Problems in General Settings [details]
- June 21, Matthias John: Power Crust - A New Surface Reconstruction Algorithm [details]
- June 26, Marc van Kreveld (Utrecht University): Smooth Generalization for Continuous Zooming [details]
- June 28, Marc van Kreveld (Utrecht University): Cutting and packing a country [details]
- July 03, Jürgen Richter-Gebert: Cinderella - The Next Generation. New Features and New Problems [details]
- July 05, Michel Stöcklin (with Philipp Gehr): Feature Detection from Samples [details]
- July 10, Michael Hoffmann: An Adaptable and and Extensible Geometry Kernel [details]
- July 12, Tibor Szabó: Triangle factors in pseudorandom graphs [details]
- July 17, Udo Adamy: Competitive Concurrent Distributed Queuing (M. Herlihy, S. Tirthapura, R. Wattenhofer, ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing) [details]
- September 11, Michael Krivelevich (Tel Aviv University): Deciding k-colorability in expected polynomial time [details]
- October 11, Tibor Szabó: Unique Sink Orientations of Cubes [details]
- October 16, Bettina Speckmann: Tight Degree Bounds for Pseudo-triangulations of Points [details]
- October 18, Bettina Speckmann: Kinetic Data Structures for Collision Detection [details]
- October 23, Michael Hoffmann: Segment Endpoint Visibility Graphs are Hamiltonian [details]
- October 30, Carsten Lange: On diameters of some simple polytopes - an approach by Robin Forman [details]
- November 06, Arnold Wassmer: Cyclic Polytopes and Their Symmetries [details]
- November 15, Pablo A. Parrilo (Institut für Automatik, ETH): Polynomial Optimization and Semidefinite Programming [details]
- November 20, Katharina Langkau (TU Berlin): Introduction to Dynamic Network Flows [details]
- November 27, Noga Alon (Tel Aviv University): Polynomials in Discrete Mathematics [details]
- December 04, Irene Müller: On Corner Cut Polytopes [details]
- December 11, Matthias Dreier: Univeral classes of hash functions (J. L. Carter and M. N. Wegman, J. Compt. Syst. Sci., 18 (1979) 143-154) [details]
- December 13, Juraj Skripsky: Kinetic Data Structures [details]
- December 18, Ingo Wegener (Universität Dortmund): Approximations by OBDDs [details]
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