Department of Computer Science | Institute of Theoretical Computer Science | CADMO

Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms

Prof. Emo Welzl and Prof. Bernd Gärtner

Mittagsseminar (in cooperation with A. Steger, D. Steurer and B. Sudakov)

Mittagsseminar Talk Information

Date and Time: Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 12:15 pm

Duration: 30 minutes

Location: OAT S15/S16/S17

Speaker: Daniel Bertschinger

Well-Separation and Hyperplane Transversals in High Dimensions

A family of k point sets in d dimensions is called well-separated if the convex hulls of any two disjoint subfamilies can be separated by a hyperplane. This notion is instrumental in showing that certain kinds of generalized ham-sandwich cuts exist. But how hard is it to check whether a given family of high-dimensional point sets has this property? Starting from this question, we will study several algorithmic aspects of the existence of high-dimensional transversals and separations. This is joint work with H. Bergold, N. Grelier, W. Mulzer, and P. Schnider.

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